Hammer Replacement

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Tue Oct 27 04:17 MST 1998

Dave writes:
>I would think (there I go again) that a new set of hammers should last
>longer than 2 years.  Do you find in your institutions this to be the >norm?

    It is going to vary of course, but hammers are like tires on racing
vehicles, maximum performance is going to cost longevity.  If you are voicing
a lot, or incorrectly, the hammers will die quite quickly.  It appears to be a
lost of felt cohesion at the strike point and I believe the structure of the
hammer below it has a lot to do with lifespan. 
    Anyhow,  here is the history on Blair's most used D. 
New 1980- 1987  factory hammers, moderate use, optimum tone was gone by 1985, 
1987-1993 Ronsen hammers , use was increasing, but the last two years the
hammers were harsh sounding, or when needled went dead for a while. 
1993-present = Renner Blues, extremely heavy use, and just now beginning to
become difficult to keep voiced.  They should be replaced next summer.  I like
these hammers and will use a set of their GM-4 when I replace.  
Hope this helps, 
Ed Foote

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