parts and supplies purchases

Newton Hunt
Fri Apr 23 09:32 MDT 1999

> 1) Do the various supply houses sell directly to institutions?
They will sell to institutions at the same price you pay.  They will
also set up an open account so all you do is call, order, receive and
they will bill the institution.

> 3) Any thoughts about the other considerations involved, such as conflict
> of interest. 
What conflicts?  You need, they got, school pays.  I often purchased
things from other vendors, hardware stores, building supply stores,
specialty tool houses, etc.  I kept receipts and when they become too
large I submitted for reimbursement.  Administration did not like to
see $2,000 sets for reimbursement.

Open the accounts you need, get purchase orders for others or pay for
them with your card or check or cash and get reimbursed.  Sort it out
with your supervisor first so there is no misunderstandings later.


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