Dampp-Chaser systems

Leif Olsen leifo@image.dk
Thu Aug 3 07:44 MDT 2000

Hej Jeff

On 02-Aug-00, Jeff Tanner wrote:

> I can only infer from this that therefore, regardless of the outside
> climate stability (even if it were stable at 42%), the system uses water
> year round.  The fact that my faculty members refill the tanks relatively
> often during the summer supports it.
> I have experienced a slight improvement in tuning stability, but nothing
> like I had really hoped to see.  Some have commented that the actions seem
> more consistent, as well.  That also may be due in part to wear.

IMHO the Humidistat should have two independent calibratable switches, one for
drying and one for humidity. Then you can obtain the minimum water- and
electricityconsumption for the local climate and not pay (or work) when the
situation is stable or slow changing.

Pianoshop Leif Olsen
D.P.I.F. Denmark

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