recital piano usage

Roger Jolly
Tue Aug 8 09:50 MDT 2000

At 03:24 PM 08/08/00 +0000, you wrote:
>I wonder what Horowitz would have said to limiting *his* practise time on
an instrument he was going to perform on. *evil grin*. Far too often
organizations end up serving the "staff" rather than the clients. The
student is the paying client, the rest of the infrastructure is there to
support the client. Replacing/repairing pianos is part of the cost of that
support, instead of limiting access, push for increased budgets so that the
clients can be better served.
 Agreed, in a perfect world. However, we have to work within limits.  We
strive at all times to do our best.
Tell the piano students that their tuition fees are going to increase by
20% then duck.
After all, the violin student will look after their own maintenance. 
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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