Recital piano usage

Jeff Tanner
Wed Aug 9 10:11 MDT 2000

>>I wonder what Horowitz would have said to limiting *his* practise time on
>>an instrument he was going to perform on. *evil grin*.

If Mr. Horowitz didn't have any more respect towards the concept that it is
either tax-payer's money, or generous gifts from donors which placed that
instrument in front of him, and that there are others who must use that
instrument as well for years to come, frankly, I wouldn't care what he
would have said.  I am the caretaker of not only that instrument but many
more.  I must be such in a manner considered responsible to those who put
those instruments there, and I can't neglect that responsibility for every
"Mr. Horowitz want-to-be" who comes along.

No.  The student IS NOT the paying customer.  I see it as quite the
opposite.  The tax-payer and the donor foot the bill for piano inventory,
at least here, anyway.  The tuition the student pays generally covers
operating costs, NOT piano inventory.  The students should consider
themselves fortunate that quality instruments are provided for their use.

How many such assets are provided to the math major?  the social work
major?  the psychology major?  the communications major?  the business
major?  etc.?  Yet, the tuition is the same for all.  Even the science
major pays a lab fee.  A music education is one of the best values for the
tuition dollar of any degree on campus, and yet the world is full of music
degreed Wal-Mart cashiers.  We have extremely high budgets when compared
with other departments, and we must be careful when asking for more money
just so one "Mr. Horowitz" can wear out an $80,000 piano by himself, so
that upon graduation, he can secure a job as a "dueling pianist" down at
the local pub.

That being said, I need a raise.

My thoughts,

Jeff Tanner, Piano Technician
School of Music
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
(803)-777-4392 (phone)
(803)-777-6508 (fax)

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