New pianos

Robert A. Anderson
Sun Aug 27 17:48 MDT 2000

I'm new to the list, so I don't know if my topic has been exhausted here
yet. If so, perhaps someone could refer me to the archives (if there are

I service the pianos at Pima Community College here in Tucson. They have
just begun an arrangement with Yamaha to provide them with new pianos
for one year, then sell them at the end of the year, then get a new
batch at the beginning of the next school year. I suppose most of you
are familiar with this sort of arrangement.

My immediate problem is to figure out how this should affect the piano
service budget. On the one hand, these "one-year" pianos won't
accumulate the service problems of permanent pianos. On the other hand,
they will require more tuning. Have any of you experienced a changeover
like this? If so, how did if affect your budget? 

Bob Anderson
Tucson, AZ

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