jack hitting h.flange

BobDavis88@aol.com BobDavis88@aol.com
Mon Aug 19 13:06 MDT 2002

In a message dated 08/19/2002 11:06:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
fssturm@unm.edu writes:

> I use a little wooden
>  aftertouch gauge. You can make one from a piece of wood like the ones
>  Renner uses to ship shanks. Cut a slit in the end to fit a pin with a
>  bit of slop. Reduce the thickness to 0.050" on a disc sander or the
>  like

Ivory tails are usually near .050."  I carry several different thickness 
(slot cut in front), with the mike reading marked on the back. That way I can 
set different aftertouches, depending upon softness of the front punchings 
and desires of the artist. It seems so harmonious to set touch with ivory!

Bob Davis

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