4 concert grands

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Thu Mar 7 12:10 MST 2002

Hi Paul,

At 12:51 03/07/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> > BUT HEY NOW!!!!! Here's a thought!!!!
> > Why not try tuning each one completely aurally and see what comes out of
> > it!!!! WOOO-HOOO!!
>Gee, I wonder how those technicians with Accutuners did it in Stravinski's
>time? Les Noces was written in 1923- Ya think?
>Paul Kupelian
>an aural disciple

I haven't done a fourple, but I _have_ done triples aurally.

-Simply designate which is primo and tune it the best you can.
-Tune secondo the best you can, then compare to primo making whatever 
little compromises may be necessary to both.
-Tune the caboose the best you can, compare it to primo and make any 
compromises to terzo.
-Charge as though you also did quarto.
-Go home and open a fifth or a six-pack...;-}

Conrad Hoffsommer - mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu

My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.
It's gone right now and didn't leave a forwarding address.

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