amazing, but true

Isaac sur Noos
Mon, 21 Jul 2003 00:03:32 +0200

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What did you use to steam ? I have a little travel vapor dispenser (for the
clothes) that send a little steam . Is it enough ?

About taking the grand dampers to the shower, my method is to put them
around a kettle of boiling water , and the soup is very fast to be done.
Only a few at once ( 8 dampers), but they are off in 20 min, and I avoid the
water marks on the wood (very clean wood after that)

Adding the last trick to glue new leather /new action clown where they need
to be tense (backchecks, whippen heel, rollers, use a drop of water on it
before gluing the last side, so you can tense them easily, when dry the
tension is higher, so don't overdo it. old trick again ...

Greetings .


Isaac OLEG

Entretien et réparation de pianos.

17 rue de Choisy
94400 VITRY sur SEINE
tel : 033 01 47 18 06 98
fax : 033 01 47 18 06 90
cell: 06 60 42 58 77

  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : []De la part de Mark
  Envoyé : dimanche 20 juillet 2003 19:51
  À : College and University Technicians
  Objet : RE: amazing, but true

  I recently 'steam-cleaned' a set on a vertical action Wim. The main
objective was to remove the impaction from bass-string windings so they
would seat well on new strings. Worked just fine!

  Mark Cramer,
  Brandon University
    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On Behalf Of
    Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 10:14 AM
    Subject: amazing, but true

    I have been led to believe, as I am sure you are too, that damper felts
will harden when they get wet.

    I just restrung a 30 year old B, and was going to replace the damper
felts. I took the dampers home and gave them a shower. (I soak them in the
shower with hot water. It loosens the glue so the felts drop off easily).

    The next morning I got sidelined, and it wasn't until later in the next
I had time to take the felts off. By this time, however, the glue had
hardened again, and I had to cut the felts off with a knife. I soon realized
that I forgot that I had replaced these dampers about a year and half ago.
So they were virtually brand new. But when I touched the felt, they all
seemed very soft. I had only removed the felt off the last 6 dampers, so I
thought, what the hell, lets try putting them on the piano, and see how they

    I did, and they are fine. None of them are hard. So my conclusion is
that new felts can get wet, and still work. You learn something new every
day. Amazing, but true.


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