[CAUT] teaching piano tuning

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Fri, 05 Nov 2004 07:08:53 -0600

At 07:59 11/5/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Just a thought, maybe PTG RPT status should be either the final exam or 
>part of the course in piano tech schools. If they would have the PTG exams 
>as part of their curriculum, it would be a good incentive for students to 
>finish. I think RPT status should become the standard for apprentices that 
>want to earn a living as piano techs.
>Marcel Carey, RPT
>Sherbrooke, QC

I like that idea, but would come real close to, or give the appearance of, 
the PTG endorsing or accrediting the program.  This accreditation thing has 
been bandied about in the past, but as I recall, the PTG as an organisation 
is not willing or (more importantly) not able to be an accrediting agency.

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT, MPT, CCT, PFP, ACS, CRS.
Decorah, IA

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