[CAUT] well- I finally *really* did it.

Barbara Richmond piano57@flash.net
Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:40:46 -0600

> I stopped tuning, and whistled like I was watching some sports and my guy 
> just scored. This glorious sound was followed be me "asking" if I could 
> *possibly* be able to continue my work in some sort of quiet.
> You wouldn't believe how quickly the flock flew off.
> (Though the second (visiting) chorus teacher saw the whole thing and said 
> nothing.)
> :B
> Madame Librarian (who's getting old, eh??)

Madame Librarian,

Your post made me laugh out loud and remember the time I smiled sweetly at 
the custodian (who was whistling while I was tuning) and paused to say, 
"I've been known to rip the lips off of people who whistle while I 
tune......"    He stopped!   :-)

Barbara Richmond, RPT

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