[CAUT] Teaching Piano Tuning (Boaz Kirschenbaum)

Don pianotuna@accesscomm.ca
Tue, 09 Nov 2004 11:17:46

Hi Boaz,

Reyburn Cyber Tuner, Tune Lab Pro, and Verituner all offer a "partial
strengths/sustain time" graph. None of them have reached the heights that
may be possible--but time and demand will change that. If you want a
dedicated device then a "real time anaylser" could be used.

The software can't "judge" anything. It can give you some more information
on which to base intelligent decisions.

If you want to "see it" for free then try Tune Lab Pro--it is "try before
you buy" program. See the url below.


As for Steinway uprights I prefer the old large versions. 

At 09:42 AM 09/11/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Don,
>I have not heard of this software, what is it?
>Anything that saves time is good. I started using ear plugs a couple
>of years ago to save my ears (and I got headaches from all the
>verticals). It makes a difference with regard to time, fatigue, and
>quality. Plus I like to think I will still be doing this in 30-40
>I was the only tuner I knew of at Steinway, other than Eric Schandall,
>who used ear plugs. I suggested it to tuners who complained of fatigue
>but they were very skeptical...plus there is always that "outsider"
>attitude (i.e., what could Boaz know, he's only been at it for a
>couple of years).
>I also think the only way to tune a Steinway NY vertical is by ear.
>They just don't respond well as a rule, and after two hours you have
>to listen to it and just say, "well...at least it sounds better than
>it did".
>I wonder how software can judge tonal color though?

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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