[CAUT] Steinway Verticals

Ed Sutton ed440@mindspring.com
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 21:05:29 -0500

Dear Boaz-

Perhaps you would share some of your painfully learned Steinway vertical

How do they manage to get so many false beats in such a little space? 

Last week I tuned the most sadistic piano I know, a 4 year old 45 vertical.
I'm the sixth technician to take it on, and the only one masochistic enough
to come back.

At least 2/3s of the treble strings are false beaters.  Not 2/3s of the
unisons, 2/3s of the strings.  Tapping at the bridge does not help.  What
do they do to make these strings do this?

I am considering proposing to restring the top 2 sections, but hesitate
because I'm not sure it will make any difference.

Is there something odd in the way they string these pianos, somehow
twisting the strings?

The bass strings are also starting to beat.

Any thoughts you have would be most appreciated.  Ditto evereybody else.

Thank you.

Ed Sutton

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