[CAUT] :( Greetings from friendly neighborhood upstate New York Igloo

Ed Sutton ed440@mindspring.com
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 14:45:12 -0500


Above all, you don't want the piano's temperature to change while you're

If the temperature changes _after_ you have tuned, the piano will (more or
less) self-correct as the plate temperature equalizes.

But if the temperature is changing while you're tuning, you ain't got a
chance. (Such as opening a cold piano when the heat is just coming on.

Go to the hardware store and get a "plastic storm window" - a sheet of
flexible plastic shrink wrap (ask at the store if you don't know what this
is).  Open the lid flap, pull the music desk, and quickly cover the open
front end with the plastic sheet.  Move and tuck the sheet around to get
access to the section of pins you need, and reach under to move the mutes.

Close the lid as soon as you are done!

Your tuning will be in tune with itself, and after the piano has adjusted
to whatever temperature change happens, it will be in tune with itself
again, though not dead on to 440Hz.

(Credit for this goes to Bill Clayton RPT, who tunes lots of church pianos.)

Ed Sutton

> [Original Message]
> From: michelle stranges <stranges@Oswego.EDU>
> To: caut list <caut@ptg.org>
> Date: 3/2/2005 10:16:38 AM
> Subject: [CAUT] :( Greetings from friendly neighborhood upstate New York
> Hey people..
> This may start out as a vent -and I appologize for that- but in the end 
> it'll turn out to be a question you brainiack/piano gods can answer.
> AHEM!!
> :(
> Because I work at a State school we have no money.
>   "     "   "  "  "   "     "    I   "   "   ".
>   "    we   "  "  "   "     "    we  "   "  recital hall.
> :(
> Sooooo- we have recitals in other places that take pity on us.
> (OK- I *think* I'm done venting..)
> There's a recital in a church on Friday.. and they asked me whether or
> I wanted the heat turned on.
> I am a girl.
> I am *always* cold..
> Oh- uhhhhh about the piana in there..
> I have a tuning time scheduled DAY OF recital.
> They SAY they usually turn on the heat and hour before recital time.
> I am thinking they should just stick to this and I'll tune with my darned 
> coat on and whatever happens to my beautiful tuning right before the 
> concert- well- at that point- frankly my dears, I don't give a damn.
> :(
> HOWEVER- the group wants to rehearse day before??..
> They will want heat on- I'm sure... wouldn't YOU?
> At this point I don't CARE what they do..
> But I said to church - just leave it off completely, I'll come in and
> and then you can turn it on right before concert time to remove icecubes 
> from the chairs and piano strings.. well I didn't say *that*, but I 
> relented to having the heat off completely until right before concert
> Is this the right thing?
> Should I have said- PLEASE turn it on Thursday night (for rehearsal) and 
> LEAVE IT ON for us?
> (Spend all your money to make us comfy?)
> I'm thinking that the room should stay where it's been until other human 
> beings enter for a recital and have the impression that it's ALWAYS this 
> nice, warm and cozy in there.
> Poor piano.
> (Moody Steinway B)
> Thanx in advance-
> :o
> Michelle
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> caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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