[CAUT] William Wolfram

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Mon, 07 Mar 2005 21:43:32 -0500

> Bottom line: welcome to the world of the concert technician. It ain’t 
> easy, even in a hick town like Albuquerque (or Birmingham).

..or Ft.Myers, FL. Wim, I don't know William Wolfram, but I know about 
taking the heat. Andre Watts chewed me up and spit me out a number of 
years ago..thankfully, he had a technician traveling with him to take 
care of my many failings at the time. The last time I was reminded how 
incompetent I am was 2 years ago at the Sanibel Music Festival. A 
renowned PITA nearly refused to perform. Some careful conversation from 
the Artistic Director smoothed things out and the show went on. I have 
had lots of compliments come my way over the years for the preparation 
of various concert venues around here, but it's the occasional 
slam-bam-thank-you-sir-or-maam that will keep you humble.

Welcome. It gets better and worse.

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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