[CAUT] William Wolfram

Ed Sutton ed440@mindspring.com
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:22:13 -0500

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I have friends who know your school and faculty, and they say it is a rough place to work.

You are going to have to learn to be very smooth if you want to stay there.  

I think it is a mistake that you didn't attend the concert.  You would have been able to hear what it sounded like, and that is very important to know!  And you might have heard Wolfram's comments first hand, and at least could have thanked him for his criticism.

Tim and others have suggested you call in a technician of your choice to examine and consult with you about this piano.  That is very good advice, and could give you an ally and mentor as you learn how to deal with your faculty.

Best wishes,
Ed Sutton

Wim wrote:
. So even if I had been there, there wouldn't have been much I could do about it. Since I had a dress rehearsal to go to at the same time, I didn't even go to the concert, for which I had bought tickets. 

You can imagine how I felt when I read the review in the paper. Did I mention how there are no classes offered that teach how to create a thick skin. 

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