[CAUT] M&H pressure lube

Ed Sutton ed440@mindspring.com
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 17:40:51 -0500

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Yeah, Wim.  
You should spray it on the keys for glissando players, too.
And don't forget to spray it on the stage for your favorite performers.  That always brings relief.
Ed S.  ;-)

----- Original Message ----- 
To: caut@ptg.org
Sent: 3/9/2005 9:22:56 AM 
Subject: Re: [CAUT] M&H pressure lube

Sure, I do this all the time. Just spray some WD 40 on the whole front duplex string area. In fact, whenever I have jumpy pins, I spray a liberal dose of that stuff on the pins, and the creaking and jumpiness goes away. Don't all of you guys do that? .................................

Hey, after what I've gone through the last couple of weeks, I need some relief. Have a nice day.

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