[CAUT] M&H pressure lube

Thomas Seay t.seay@mail.utexas.edu
Thu, 10 Mar 2005 08:47:21 -0600

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Good morning all,

This thread is somewhat amusing for we piano=20
technicians who know better, but these are forums=20
from which beginning technicians and amateurs=20
gather information about piano service. I have=20
visions of can after can of WD-40 being sprayed=20
on pinblocks and tuning pins because of the=20
"humorous" comments below being taken seriously=20
by someone who believes it to be a good thing to=20

=46or people who don't know, it is NOT A GOOD IDEA=20
to spray anything on tuning pins, despite what is=20
written here in jest.


>Wim, Do you use the small can or the big can when spraying? Chris Solliday
>Sure, I do this all the time. Just spray some WD=20
>40 on the whole front duplex string area. In=20
>fact, whenever I have jumpy pins, I spray a=20
>liberal dose of that stuff on the pins, and the=20
>creaking and jumpiness goes away. Don't all of=20
>you guys do that?=20
>Hey, after what I've gone through the last=20
>couple of weeks, I need some relief. Have a nice=20

Tom Seay
Piano Tech Office
School of Music
The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 232-2072

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