[CAUT] M&H pressure lube

Danny L Tassin tassin@msu.edu
Thu, 10 Mar 2005 11:03:19 -0500

Great, Lance, 

I think if you really work hard at what I told you, you'll find that you 
really don't need to (shouldn't) use ANY kind of lube (wet or dry) anywhere 
on the strings or near any tuning pin(s). 

One of the other techs who wrote in is correct in saying that no one should 
be using any kind of lube ( "joking" or not ) anywhere around those points 
we discussed.   ( Wim, you rascal, you...)  Ha !!   Like I said, I've 
"heard" of some using a "very small, tinsy, bit" with a piano wire, right 
around the pressure bar, or "V"-Bar, but that was usually up around the 
duplex area where the strings are crossing the felt laid over the plate, 

However, try what we talked about first.  I'm sure you'll find that you can 
save your "lube" for other areas that really need it. 

Best to you.
Let us know your results ... 

Dan Tassin, RPT
Piano Technician
Micigan State Univ.
E. Lansing, MI
517-355-3320 = shop
731-613-0764 = cell 


llafargue writes: 

> Thanks Danny.  I'll work with this.   
> Lance Lafargue, RPT
> New Orleans Chapter, PTG
> 985.72P.IANO
> llafargue@charter.net
> www.lafarguepianos.com

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