[CAUT] Steinway Damper Action

Don Mannino DMannino@kawaius.com
Fri, 11 Mar 2005 15:30:11 -0800

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The reason for having the pivots at different positions is to improve
half-pedalling.  The Kawai EX concert grand and all Shigeru Kawai pianos
have this same arrangement, even though the standard Kawai grands have
tray pivots in line with the damper lever center pins.
When this type of system is set up correctly, the damper lever centers
swing up and back a little when the pedal is used.  This causes the
damper heads to rock up at the back very slightly as the heads lift when
the pedal is used, but when the key is used the heads lift straight.
This very slight uneven lift gives the pianist a good deal more control
over the tone when doing half-pedalling.  The pianist can float the
dampers very lightly on the strings.
I just sat in on a seminar which showed a variety of pedal pivot
locations in Steinway pianos over the years - some of them were in
correct alignment to get this effect (especially the oldest tray design)
while others were in the wrong places.
Don Mannino RPT
Kawai America

-----Original Message-----
From: caut-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf Of
Ken Zahringer
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 1:27 PM
To: College and University Technicians
Subject: [CAUT] Steinway Damper Action

OK guys, time to get serious.  (Just a little, and for just a little

I'm going to replace the damper action in our old Steinway D in a week
or so.  Putting in a new Renner system.  This brings up a question I
have had for a long time and have never got a good answer.  Why is the
tray pivot pin not in line with the underlever flange pins?  When I try
to visualize the motion of the underlevers and tray, this seems like the
best place for it.  Having the tray pivot pin offset seems to be a major
factor in the unpleasant phenomenon of the underlever pushing down on
the back of a depressed key when the sustain pedal is used.  Yet every
manufacturer I have seen, and the Renner instructions, puts the tray
pivot pin behind the underlever flange pin.  What am I missing?

Ken Z.
Ken Zahringer, RPT
Piano Technician
University of Missouri School of Music
297 Fine Arts Bldg
Columbia, MO 65211
cell 573-489-7529

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