[CAUT] Looming Retirement

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Sat, 12 Mar 2005 02:17:48 -0600

At 16:59 3/11/2005, you wrote:
>Speaking of retirement, did anyone else see the TIAA-CREF add on TV 
>showing a technician at work in a concert hall. I was pleased to see this 
>but I'm wondering if the fellow is the real deal or an actor.

If it's me, and they're not paying me, I'm mad.

I didn't see the TIAA-CREF ad, but here at Luther we're on/in 
TIAA-CREF.  After two years employment, the college puts in an amount equal 
to 10% of your salary/split however you want it in a wide variety of 
funds.  (it felt like [and was]a 10% raise the year it happened)  Fully 
vested - i.e. it's our money, not controlled by the college.

Rule of 80? Hmmmm. Been here 24 years, got 50 more... ;-}

Gotsta get back to sleep....



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