[CAUT] Tuning stability

Don pianotuna@yahoo.com
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:17:24


If the piano has a full system with bottom cover and smart bar then having
it run dry in the summer is not really much of a problem. I find that the
single tank system will last about ten days when fully filled--and of
course that's not counting the "reserve" capacity.

You don't mention if the piano got new strings. How many tunings has it had
in the last year?

At 09:43 PM 3/14/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>        I service a Bosendorfer 6’4 that was rebuilt a couple of
>years ago.  I serviced this piano when it was new in the 70’s and the
>theater which it is in has always had problems with humidity.  Then they
>Do I insist on a
>full humidity control system?  They have previously rejected this idea.  It
>would be sadly neglected during the summer and holidays as it is a private
>school theater. They have a dehumidifier running all the time in the room
>(not near the piano) and the humidity today in the piano was 42% and the
>temperature was 72. Clarence Zeches 
Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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