[CAUT] best (aligator clamp) tool?.

Mark Cramer Cramer@BrandonU.ca
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:33:19 -0600

David, I bought an ACL-5 from Pianotek, and it is a fine tool.

However, what I "really" want is another (or several) aligator clamp tools
Bill Spurlock sold out of several years ago. (he was never able to relocate
the supplier)

This clamp (stamped PAKISTAN) is about 5 inches long, and fits nicely
between front and balance rails for punching placement.

The ACL-5 is about 8" long and does NOT fit between the rails on most (read:
any I'm aware of) actions, so is entirely useless for that task.

Does anyone know where I might find a nice 5" (or so) aligator clamp?


Mark Cramer,
Brandon University

-----Original Message-----
From: caut-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces@ptg.org]On Behalf Of
Porritt, David
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 6:21 AM
To: College and University Technicians
Subject: RE: [CAUT] Today's Puzzler.

Could be tool time.  I have a hemostat that comes in pretty handy for
some of those hard-to-reach places where you need to get a good grip on
things.  It's not something I use every day, but when I need it I'm sure
glad I have it.


David M. Porritt

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