[CAUT] D complimented

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 21:04:45 -0600

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At 02:57 PM 3/21/2005, you wrote:
>Some great suggestions. One question though. Why do you turn the dag 
>screws in after
>voicing. It seems like that would change the strike point where you'd been 
>doing the
>voicing. What am I missing here?

Hi Avery,
                The cheek blocks determine the strike point. Tuning in a 
half turn after completion will not add extra drag to the key frame.  I 
adjust the screws then push the action in very firmly, then seat the cheek 
blocks to see if the frame moves. Readjust screws as required.
  Una corda voicing, that action is in and out of the cavity dozens of 
times.  I save dozens of cheek block installations.

Having those screws also helps in all regulation adjustments.  Hammer 
fitting, string lifting etc.

Regards Roger 

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