[CAUT] Protek and Sluggish Dampers

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 08:10:56 -0600

At 07:54 3/22/2005, you wrote:
>The rail has bushings that are about 10 years old.  They aren't overly 
>worn and really haven't had problems with sluggishness until this winter 
>(which hasn't been that harsh).  There were a few that were suddenly a 
>little sluggish.   I Proteked them.  After about 5 hours, a tuning, and 
>two hours of playing (all included in the 5 hours), they started sticking.
>I didn't feel reaming was necessary when they have been working fine for 
>years.  Maybe I misjudged.
>Tim Coates

Reaming would probably be ungood in that situation.

Take one out and try polishing it? Corrosion will grab old bushings as well 
as gnu.

Are the culprits wedge or block?  If wedge, they might be settling down to 
an unpolished part of the wire.

Are they hanging up high, not quite seating or slow all the way 
down?  Maybe the dampers themselves are to blame and serendipity made you 
think it was the Protek.  I hate to use the words, but Teflon underlevers?

Conrad Hoffsommer - Keyboard Technician
Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
Vox-(563)-387-1204 // Fax (563)-387-1076

- Right now, I'm hoping to live until my age matches my golf score,
- Until then, I'll have to be content to have my IQ match my handicap.

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