[CAUT] D complimented

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:33:52 EST

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In a message dated 3/22/05 8:19:57 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Hi Wim I am glad that  everything has worked out with the D I have only 1 
question, did the critic  write an article about how grait the piano sounds.   
Cootos for the fine  work. 
Don Wigent E C  U

He told me he was there just to attend the recital, not to write a review.  
Our faculty recitals are never reviewed, only concerts by the community  
orchestra or guest artists. It would have been nice to have his "set the record  
straight", but I doubt very many people even read the review, much less  
understood what he was talking about. Just the fact that he and the piano  faculty 
member complimented me is enough. Perhaps the next the time piano is  used on a 
concert he will write something good about the piano. 

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