[CAUT] Bench Day(s)

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 18:06:35 -0600

> Why is that we, as piano technicians, are expected to also be 
> carpenters, refinishers. electricians, computer guru's, etc. ? I say, 
> let the department pay to have the benches repaired, or buy new 
> ones. Maybe the professors will start telling the students to take 
> better care of the benches when they find out that their money for 
> music is being used to buy new benches.

No, they'll just run out of benches, like every educational facility 
I've ever tuned for. Most will pile up in a locked room somewhere, 
and some will be sent to the "maintenance" people - never to be seen 
again. If any do miraculously return from the maintenance cave, it 
will be with bizarre pieces of hardware attached in random places 
with huge screws (no glue), and they will be taken to the locked 
room within the week when they collapse again.

> OK, I feel better now, too.
> Wim

You wouldn't if you were a bench!

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