[CAUT] Re: hands & wrists

Jurgen Goering pianoforte@pianofortesupply.com
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 11:26:02 -0800

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Wim -

As others have pointed out, a ball on the end of your tuning lever 
would probably give you a lot of relief.  Besides the outright purchase 
of a new lever, another option is to put a hard rubber ball on to the 
lever you are accustomed to using.

The rubber ball has a number of advantages:  Cheap: reversible, the 
rubber has better grip, and more importantly, a lot more give than a 
wooden knob.  I have "cured" 90% of my back problems with this little 
ball, others have found  helpful for a variety of physical problems as 

These are not listed on my web site, but I have them in stock.

Jurgen Goering
Piano Forte Supply

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