[CAUT] Large wire spool?

Otto Keyes okeyes@uidaho.edu
Wed, 09 Nov 2005 14:49:04 -0800

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I've always just put the coils on a pad covering the plate, slid the =
coil ties to one spot & fed out enough wire at a time to do a few =
unisons, strung them up & then fed out some more.  Worked well enough =
for me, but then I didn't do a lot of wholesale stringing.

After I left Banff, Ted Sambell, ever the inventive gadget maker, made a =
stringing cart with a bunch of boxes to fit 5 # coils w/sliding tops =
with holes in them to pull the wire out of....kind of like the =
canisters.  These boxes were on an angle on either side so the string =
came out easily, but didn't pull the box off the shelf.  Worked pretty =
slick.  Everything in easy reach, & easily spun around to get to the =
sizes on the other side.

*    *
I built similar carts on which I could put all the case parts, including =
legs & lid, of a grand when it was apart for rebuilding/refinishing.  =
Very handy.  Everything in one spot, & it could move through the shop =
along with the case.
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: ed440@mindspring.com=20
  To: College and University Technicians=20
  Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 2:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [CAUT] Large wire spool?

  Are these large rolls on spools, or are they just large coils held =
together with wire twists?
  When I ordered Pure Sound it was just in large coils, not on spools.
  Is there any reason not to rewind it into smaller coils and put it =
into canisters? You would have to make a roll winding gadget for this.
  Ed S.

  -----Original Message-----=20
  From: Jim Busby=20
  Sent: Nov 8, 2005 11:08 PM=20
  To: College and University Technicians=20
  Subject: [CAUT] Large wire spool?=20



  Do any of you have a good "container" or method to store and easily =
use piano wire in the large rolls? I'm also hoping that I can figure out =
a way to adapt it with all my new "Pure Sound" stainless wire. The rolls =
are about 17 inches diameter.


  It seems I read something about this years ago but I couldn't find =
anything on the archives. I recall something that it had an arm with a =
sort of brake thingee too. The container is the part I can't visualize. =
Having 15 huge boxes around would work, but there's got to be a better =
way. (I've always just set the roll on a blanket on the plate.)



  Jim Busby BYU



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