[CAUT] Tools in the car

John Ross jrpiano@win.eastlink.ca
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 16:35:37 -0400

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One thing to definitely, not leave in the car in below freezing weather, is all SAT's before the SATlll, with the flash memory.
I forgot to bring mine in, years ago, and because of the cold, the internal battery, that held the RAM, I think it is, for the "housekeeping", dropped below the hold on voltage. So my SAT died, and I had to take it back to Inventronics for a reprogramming.
That is why, I like the SATlll, it has flash memory. Mind you, I still bring it in, in the Winter.
I leave my strings and parts in, year round.
I haven't noticed any rust.
I think the airconditioner, comes on with the defrost, so the air is probably fairly dry.
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michelle Stranges 
  To: College and University Technicians 
  Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 4:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [CAUT] Tools in the car

  Thanx all for your input.

  I live in the Northeast (Central New York) and it's getting rather cold here now. (and it gets hot in the summer too- especailly in a car.)

  My friends in Boston (relatively same climate I would think..) leave ALL their tools in their car EVERY night all year 'round.

  The evenings I *don't* bring in my gear- it sure is nice to just leave the house the next morning with my purse and to-go coffee.



  On Nov 14, 2005, at 2:07 PM, Jeff Tanner wrote:

    On Nov 14, 2005, at 11:12 AM, Don wrote:

      Hi Michele,

      That would depend on the dew point in your area. I tend to leave my tools
      in the trunk during the summer only. Once we hit Oct I have to drag them
      into the house.

    I used to carry an assortment of repair parts in a Plano fishing tackle box (I bought it new just for the purpose - so it wasn't like it had old fish bait in there).  At the time, I drove a Chevy Blazer.  It was very functional for service work.  It can get very hot in a Chevy Blazer in the south, even up to about 9 months out of the year (it's pretty warm out there today, actually).  Our summer heat ruined everything that was in the box.  Other than than, I try to not let my tuning forks, mutes and SAT get exposed to extremes.  I haven't noticed any damage to the stringing wire supply I've carried for probably 15 years.  I keep it in a cheap plastic toolbox from Wally World, each individual spool in a "ziploc" with baby powder sprinkled inside.


    Jeff Tanner, RPT
    University of South Carolina

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