[CAUT] Okay brainiacs..

Jon Page jonpage at comcast.net
Fri Oct 27 16:10:27 MDT 2006

>Can someone please tell me the measurement/width of an original 
>Steinway D bass cleat ? (i.e.- with original white action cloth/felt)

I'll get the ball rolling...

There is no 'exact' measurement, at least none that they'd be held to.
In that each piano is hand-crafted, e-hem, ...each piano is different.

The underlevers need to be on the treble side of the key so that when the
action shifts, the damper is still on the key and the key end lifter felt does
not lift the adjacent damper.

When having this problem on a 15 y/o L, I had to move the stack back about 3 mm
in the bass and 1 mm in the treble.  (Grind the back edge of the 
bracket or remove
wood from the cleats, I prefer to grind). Screw holes will need to be 
plugged and

So look at stack placement (are the capstans on the same portion of the wippen
cushion 1-88), action frame placement (I've had to move the bass end 
registering pin
many times), are the dampers located properly.. Maybe the action has 
to shift to the
left and the underlever tray has to as well (been there, done that). 
How are you at
rebending damper wires?

Are the shanks long enough???

Just 'cause it's a D, don't assume perfection.

I imagine there's a sign on the factory wall:


Jon Page
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