[CAUT] Touch and Tone

Ric Brekne ricbrek at broadpark.no
Thu Sep 7 11:44:21 MDT 2006

Thanks for clarifying that Jim.  I wasnt aware of that.  As for Harold 
Conklin...  strikes me as nothing less then astounding.  What was the 
reasoning for not in favour ?


    By the way, Ric, the PTG does have an "Honorary Member" category for
    just like Dr. Birkett.  The late Dr. Earl Kent was such a member. 
    About a
    decade ago, I recommended Harold Conklin, Jr., but the Board didn't
    vote in
    favor.  I was furious, and I wrote each member of the board, and I said
    that was PTG's loss, not Mr. Conklin's.

    Sincerely, Jim Ellis 

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