[CAUT] swadging hammer leads

Ric Brekne ricbrek at broadpark.no
Fri Sep 8 12:08:46 MDT 2006

Hey there Jim,

That works just great if you need that much lead in a hole.  You only 
need to lightly tap one side. With the other size on an anvil or 
something like that.

I have this little flattish cast iron table vice.  I put a 3mm steel 
dowel in the vice so it sticks up about 1 (+) mm or so.  When I need 
less lead I insert the lead, lay the hammer on its side so the hole fits 
in my steel dowle and barely tap.  Flip it quickly over and tap the 
other way to get the lead centered.  It takes like soooo little to get 
the lead tight enough to sit solidly.  Took a while for me to get 
that...but a couple split hammers is a lot of motivation to figure 
things out  :) 


Hi Ric,

I've found that if you simply lay the (drilled) hammer on its side,
insert the lead wire then cut it 1/8 inch too long, then one tap of the
hammer and you're done. It's solid. More than 1/8 and the hammer may
split. Less and it may come loose. Is that about what you've found?

Jim Busby

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