[CAUT] stack fit to keyframe

Ric Brekne ricbrek at broadpark.no
Tue Sep 12 05:41:54 MDT 2006

Bob writes:
 > >>One can't argue that the principles
 > calling for the magic line are correct, but in reality I've never 
been able
 > to detect an increase in friction in an action that deviates from the 
 > line.<<

Hi Bob, JD, et al.

I have not been able to notice a friction change connected to the magic 
line either.  But I've wondered many times just what kind of changes are 
made possible with respect to the overall leverage by altering the 
midpoint of the keystroke with respect to the magic line.

It would seem (on the surface) that the most consistent key leverage 
would result from  having the capstan/whippen heel arcs meet at the 
midpoint of the key stroke. I dont know if I would say that would be an 
ideal mind you... might be better for the key to actually be more on one 
side of this <<middle>> then the other.

Thoughts ?


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