[CAUT] Shattered Music Rack

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 12 11:46:02 MDT 2006


Workout the puzzle on wax paper.   I'd use a combo of yellow glue with CA to hold it together until the other glue sets.   One piece at a time and you shouldn't have to clamp anything.   Clean up as you go as best you can.   You will probably have to touch up the finish...

Along the same line...I've started using PVC-E glue with ivory repairs but use PVC-E on the ivory and thin CA on the keytop...press together and the CA holds the joint until the PVC-E glue dries...seems the PVC-E, which is water based, can cause warping of the ivory.

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Ric Brekne" <ricbrek at broadpark.no>
To: caut at ptg.org
Received: 9/12/2006 5:46:59 AM
Subject: [CAUT]   Shattered Music Rack

>Hi folks

>Got an old Steinway O music rack thrown into my hands the other day.  
>The kind with all the cutouts, curly lines... etc.  Seems a hyperactive 
>4 yearold got ahold of it and started experimenting in the direction of 
>"lets make a puzzle out of this".

>The thing is in about 25 pieces.  All the breaks are quite clean really 
>and looks like it can be glued back together again.  Problem is many 
>pieces are very difficult to clamp in any way.  I'm looking for 
>suggestions on clamping rounded pieces at offset angles and what kind of 
>glue might be best for the job.  I've been thinking a quick setting 
>epoxy might be best for all the pieces I cant clamp and wood glue best 
>for what I can.

>Comments / advice appreciated


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