[CAUT] stack fit to keyframe

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Thu Sep 14 10:16:39 MDT 2006

At 8:53 pm -0700 13/9/06, David Ilvedson wrote:

>You haveÊwrittened that you designed piano actions...any photos or 
>drawings?   Any patents pending...;-]

At 9:01 pm -0700 13/9/06, David Ilvedson wrote:

>I found your website...couldn't see much except some bass string info...
>Your grand piano project sounds interesting...I wasn't allowed 
>access...must be top secret?

I'm afraid so for the moment.  The DGP project has been rather 
delayed by various things, first the collapse of some funding and 
this year by my illness and a major operation I had in the spring. 
Things should get going in earnest after next spring when I shall be 
relocating to new premises ( a converted grain silo!) that will 
finally provide the space I need.  The DGP (initially about 7ft) 
will be surprising in many ways but the soundboard is the most 
surprising feature.  Last year I 'proved the concept' in a 5'2" 
grand.  If I had known how complete this proof was to be, I would not 
have bothered with such a short piano  and done the experiment with a 
longer piano.  The next thing, pending sufficent funds for the whole 
project, will be the rebuilding of a pair of twin Kirkmans from about 
1865, 6'9" instruments with serial numbers only 3 digits apart!  One 
of them will retain the original soundboard and one will be fitted 
with the special soundboard.  This will allow direct comparison.

You can read a little and hear the results here:
of the first experiment.

As to the action for the piano, yes I have drawings, a movie and a 
working model but this is also secret.  It is most unlikely I shall 
patent it, except perhaps for one important feature of general 
application, but I want it first to appear in _my_ piano and not 
anyone else's.  The action is not in the Erard line but in the 
Backers/Stodart line, in other words the 'English Action' continuing 
from Brinsmead but not going in the direction of the 
Herrburger-Brooks spring and loop action.  The Achilles heel of the 
English action, especially when fitted to a powerful 'modern' piano 
subjected to much use, has always been the wear of the notch cushion, 
leading to ever-increasing touch weight and eventual unplayability. 
My action has several completely original features but most important 
of them is the elimination of this grave defect.  The action is 
virtually friction-free, is very stable, and repeats at speeds not 
achievable with any other action.  Eventually I shall publish 
details.  It is very satisfying to have designed an action that 
completely bypasses the French developments and is rooted firmly in 
the English tradition.


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