[CAUT] Kemble stability

ed440 at mindspring.com ed440 at mindspring.com
Sat Sep 23 07:37:50 MDT 2006

Does the piano get moved around?

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeannie Grassi <jcgrassi at earthlink.net>
>Sent: Sep 22, 2006 11:08 PM
>To: 'College and University Technicians' <caut at ptg.org>
>Subject: [CAUT] Kemble stability
>Hi to everyone,
>I have been taking care of a Kemble studio upright for several years and am
>extremely frustrated with its lack of stability.  The problem is that it is
>in a teaching studio.   She keeps the climate at even as possible, a DC is
>installed, and she is good about regular tunings.  But the piano has no back
>posts and I fear that it just isn't built rigid enough to be very stable.  
>I'd love some comments about others who have experience with these pianos
>and what, if anything can be done when pianos are under-built.  Thanks for
>your input,
>Jeannie Grassi, RPT
>Registered Piano Technician
>Island Piano Service
>Bainbridge Island, WA
>mailto:jcgrassi at earthlink.net

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