[CAUT] Friday puzzler

Paul T Williams pwilliams4 at unlnotes.unl.edu
Thu Jul 8 16:06:20 MDT 2010

Sorry for the delayed response.  Everything else is in check, but I may 
indeed check the balance rail punchings on the sharps neighboring this A. 
That might lend some further info.  Good call! I hadn't thought of that. 

Again, you newby's pay attention to this list!  You'll learn something 
every day :>)

Thanks! Still learning!


Keith Roberts <keithspiano at gmail.com>
caut at ptg.org
07/04/2010 09:03 AM
Re: [CAUT] Friday puzzler

Paul said;  But WHY did this action behave before I took the stack off the 
first time to raise up all the sharps as they were too low?  This is a 
natural key which had nothing done other than raise up the blow distance a 
bit? Why I always get the weird stuff is beyond me! 
Didn't you also add more punchings under the sharp to correct the key dip? 
If keytops were replaced without dimensioning the key to retain the 
original thickness, the whites will hit the front rail punchings on the 
sharps before it completes the keystroke. That could be why the sharps 
were low in the first place.
The other thing is placement of stack. If the magic lines aren't right on, 
the capstan wears a divot in the whip heel. If the stack was jammed 
forwards by a mm or two, the wear pattern could hangup the key on the 
wippen. Loosen the screws and tap the bracket back to seat in place on the 
keyframe. Check for debris that could have fallen between the frame and 
Keith Roberts


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