[CAUT] pushing pianos

reggaepass at aol.com reggaepass at aol.com
Wed Jul 21 15:10:26 MDT 2010

This is great!  May I quote you (with proper attribution, of course)?  You put things in a way that just might penetrate what passes for consciousness in the adolescent mind.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Nossaman <rnossaman at cox.net>
To: caut at ptg.org
Sent: Wed, Jul 21, 2010 10:10 am
Subject: Re: [CAUT] pushing pianos

reggaepass at aol.com wrote: 
> In a few days, I will be moving a piano on a stage dolly a long distance > with a group of high school piano students.  We are not turning it on > its side on a skid board, but simply pushing it.  What collective wisdom > should I be to impart to these impressionable youths about how the do-s > and don't-s of pushing around pianos? 
Inadvisable. If there's ANY way not to, don't. 
If not: 
Supervise! Someone of legal age needs to be there to fill out the accident report paperwork. 
Lid down, fall board closed. I know, but it's not necessarily obvious to high school kids, some of whom have likely never thought before. 
No more than three touching the piano at any given time. Trade off as they get tired, with the rest of the crew over there out of the way. Steering and speed control by mob whim can quickly become the end of piano function as we know it. Also dangerous for the moving units, whether they understand that or not. 
Walking speed is at least twice as fast as you ought to be going. Enforce it. 
Approaching thresholds, expansion joints, or any surface discontinuity, they will universally attempt to speed up and jump it. If you could find someone foolish enough to bet against it, you could make some easy money. The problem is that dollies don't jump obstacles. Make them slow down instead. Taze one periodically if necessary. 
Lyre clearance - lyre clearance - lyre clearance etc. 
There's more, but I'm starting to get the shakes... 
Ron N 

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