[CAUT] Piano for the Bedridden

Horace Greeley hgreeley at sonic.net
Mon Mar 14 00:34:01 MDT 2011

Hi, Laurence,

Is there any chance that his photo came out of 
any part of the collection (of music, books, 
photographs/etc) that might have been left at 
UCSB by Karl Ulrich Schnabel?  He had been the 
custodian of most of his father's library, so the 
combined collection of the two would have reached 
back into the mid-19th Century.  The combined 
collections passed to the Schnabel Music Foundation in 1997:


...but, there may also still be a good deal of information in and around UCSB.

In any event, there was a good deal of photos of 
this kind in that K.U. Schnabel's library at one 
time; and I seem to remember some cataloging and 
additional information was also available.

Kind regards.


At 12:26 PM 3/13/2011, Laurence Libin wrote:

>A colleague in Santa Barbara recently stumbled 
>across this photograph of an unusual piano adapted for
>use by people confined to bed. The picture is apparently from the
>Spaarnestad collection of the National Archives of the Netherlands.
>(Nationaal Archief / Spaarnestad Photo / Fotograaf onbekend, SFA008001012.)
>The archive give it the caption "Uitklapbare piano, speciaal ontworpen voor
>bedlegerige patiënten. Groot-Brittannië, 1935"--"Foldable piano, specially
>designed for bedridden patients. Great Britain, 1935."
>Anyone know anything about such instruments?

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