[CAUT] Knoller's rules for tuning

Horace Greeley hgreeley at sonic.net
Tue Oct 18 01:19:12 MDT 2011

Hello, Laurence,

At 07:20 AM 10/6/2011, you wrote:
>About 1740-42, someone living in Charleston, South Carolina, ordered 
>from London 'Knoller's rules for tuning'. Can anyone identify this, 
>presumably a publication for keyboard players?

Admitting that this is a huge reach, I think I remember reading a 
brief mention of this in an article on pianos/piano tuning (possibly 
in the Broadwood entry) in:

The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia

"Conducted by"

David Brewster

The version I have is the American Version, published by Parker and 
Delaplaine, 1831.  It's been in archival storage for years and isn't 
really accessible, or I would gladly check this out.

I do realize that this is a long shot, and suggest the possibility 
only because the title rang a bell from studies I did a long time ago.

In any event, I hope this is at least marginally helpful.

Kind regards.


>Thank you,
>Laurence Libin
>Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments
>Oxford University Press
><mailto:lelibin at optonline.net>lelibin at optonline.net

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