[BRe: Cokes, pianos, disasters!

John Minor jminor@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sat, 19 Nov 1994 09:58:51 -0600

On Fri, 18 Nov 1994 t.seay@mail.utexas.edu wrote:
> John,
>         Why do you HATE asking people to remove their drinks from the
> pianos? Which would you rather do, spend 10 or 15 seconds TELLING  a
> student (especially Graduate students) to keep their drinks off the piano,
> or spend  literally hours and hours repairing the damage? Be professional
> about it, but let them know in no uncertain terms that drinks, food, etc.
> will not be allowed in practice rooms, period, end of discussion.
> Be tough, crack the whip! After all, you are ultimately responsible for
> those instruments.
      Good point!!! Actually, I've decided to start saying something to the effect
of  *I* take care of these pianos, and *I* am personally OFFENDED when I
see them mistreated!!!!

john minor
university of illinois

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