concert hall humidity

richard west
Sun, 27 Nov 1994 00:25:03 -0600 (CST)

Since the problem of humidity in verticals has come up, I thought I'd
extend the discussion to humidity in concert halls.  The question I
have is somewhat academic for me since our concert areas are more or
less humidity controlled.  I am often asked by other institutions in
the area if they should build a humidity controlled "box" in which to
store their concert grand(s).  The concert hall is not humidity
controlled so they worry about their expensive instrument falling
apart.  But, if they do have a box for the instrument, what happens
when the technician comes to service the instrument?   The minute it
comes out of the controlled humidity environment, the piano is going
to change.  So, to box or not to box, that is the question.

Richard West
University of Nebraska

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