Bass string storage,shops, saying HI and stuff.
Wed, 01 Mar 1995 21:12:04 -0500

One way that I use to store and transport bass strings,either replacement
sets or sets of universals is to use a length of plastic pipe(PVC) of the
appropriate length with a cap glued on one end and a removeable (screw-on)
cap on the other.
Keeps everything clean and dry and untangled, it's easy to carry in my
vehicle and it stands up on its end out of the way in the shop. I keep
several,and when a shipment of strings arrives from the stringmaker I
immediately take them out of the box and slip them into a pipe. The pipes are
easily labeled etc.My shop at the University is tiny,with practically no
equipment. I supply *every* tool that I use,large or small. I bring it in
every day and take it home every day. Happily, I have a 1,440 sq.ft. shop at
my home which is not to far from the University. I generally, will take most
projects-action rebuilds,key bushings jobs, etc. home and do them there.
My name is Paul Dempsey and I have been at Marshall University in
Huntington,WV for over 25 years. I have been very out of touch with the PTG
 for a long time,although I was a Craftsman member in 1968. I plan to rectify
that situation and re-join in the very near future. I am very excited and
pleased  about this computer E-Mail forum and look forward to much
interesting contact and dialog with all of you. I'm glad to be back!!!

Paul E. Dempsey,Jr.
Marshall University

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