water damage

Ron Torrella torrella@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Fri, 03 Mar 1995 07:22:06 -0600

On Fri, 3 Mar 1995, Dennis Johnson wrote:

>         I have just been given the go ahead to put a new action in one such
> worn out Yamaha in a major hotel downtown that unfortunately was sitting
> under a bad water pipe. The maintenance crew got on it immediately however,
> they tipped the piano up to drain out the water, and set up fans to dry it
> out. That was one year ago. Now it is completely dry and I have not seen
> any joints separating, but I obviously have mixed feelings about accepting
> this request for a complete action job. This piano is used 8 hours daily in
> a premiere restaurant and I have tuned it every month for 10 years. They
> will not buy a new piano as I recommended, at least for another several
> years. Anyone have some last minute advise on this one? They want me to
> start ASAP, so I must decide this week. Actually, I was recommending a new,
> better piano even before this water damage. Thanks.


I would suggest trying to dry out the instrument further once it's in
your shop.  When we rebuild a piano that shows hints of cracks in the
soundboard -- not deep or wide enough to clear out and shim -- I cover
the piano with 4-5 mil plastic (to the floor all the way around) and put
a tangle of heat bars under there (all of them are 50 watt, I think).  I
let the heat bars draw out moisture for maybe a week.  I can see the
board through the clear plastic, so I can moniter what's going on in
there (you have to remove the lid before covering up the piano).
Probably would be a good idea to do this with that action -- leaving on
whatever parts will not be replaced.  Good luck!

Ron Torrella               "Ideal conversation must be an exchange of thought,
School of Music           and not, as many of those who worry most about their
University of Illinois    shortcomings believe, an eloquent exhibition of wit
                    or oratory." -- Emily Post, Etiquette

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