hygrometer (small)

Mon, 13 Mar 1995 14:04:48 -0600 (CST)

Hi All!

I've been meaning for some time to post something about one of my
favorite tools.  This is a digital, solid-state, hygrometer/thermometer
(humid./temp. gauge) which I've been carrying for better than a year now.
It is 5.7" long, 1.2" wide, and 0.6" thick, and is equiped with a clip to
allow carrying in a shirt pocket or belt (which I don't do, but could).
this gauge is extremely handy and actually fits unobtrusively in my
tool case!  i use a gehnk (?) case for tools and Accu-Tuner (from
Schaff) and the gauge, in its carrying case, fits neatly above the
Accu-Tuner keyboard and just below the removable tool pallet.  I
have had different attache-type cases and have carried a variety of
temp/humid. gauges in them but was always unsatisfied with the bulkiness
and/or fragility of the gauges.  This one is small, light, easy to read,
and the batteries last for half a year or better.  As its bottom is
slightly rounded and it keeps falling over when placed on the top of the
pinblock, struts, etc, I attach it via two small velcro (TM) buttons to
the top of my Accu-Tuner.  this gives me (and my clients/Faculty/students)
even more to look at whether I'm watching the lights or tuning
aurally.  The gauge reads temp. in either f. or c. scales and tracks
min/max readings in both temp. and humid. and lists for under $50.

It is carried by Markson, a scientific supply company with a
catalog (free) well worth having even if only to browse through.  Their
phone is 1-800-528-5114.  Markson also offeres a variety of similar
gauges, both digital and analog, at competetive prices.

Jensen Tools, now a division of Stanley (?) and
also a neat (free) catalog, also offers the gauge for a slightly higher
price.  the index lists only one hygrometer/thermometer on pg. 110 but
that's the analog Airguide.  This one is on pg. 90 (the index calls it
just a thermometer).  Stanley's phone is 1-800-426-1194.

thanks for listening, I feel better now!

Alan Crane, RPT
Wichita State University

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