Clean it up

Mark Story
Mon, 20 Mar 1995 14:54:46 -0800 (PST)

Hi Barbara,

>Wow, is it ever recital season!  Just wondering how you all
>prefer to clean the Steinway Ebony satin finish.  I think that
>the members of stage crew here always eat french fries before
>moving the piano around.  Does anyone out there require stage
>crewers to wear gloves?

For routine cleaning I like a (real) chamois.  For tough fingerprints I have
used a product by JASCO simply called furniture cleaner (or something
equally selfexplanitory).  It was a pretty crystal blue color.  I have also
used Mohawk's Wax Wash with good success and no residue or streaking.

I'd like to have spring fever, but "El Nino" is giving us a real dousing.
It's getting to look like the Muskeg around here with all the standing water.

Mark Story, RPT

Eastern Washington University        |
Cheney, Washington, USA                |

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