damper oink

Kenneth Sloane Kenneth_Sloane@qmgate.cc.oberlin.edu
Sat, 25 Mar 1995 10:53:19 -0500

        Reply to:   RE>damper oink

------ ORIGINAL POST ------

Date: 3/24/95 10:30 PM
To: Kenneth Sloane
From: pianotech@byu.edu
I find the oink to be mostly in the 4th octave.
I thought it was supposed to be just above the

Vince Mrykalo

----- MY REPLY ------

That is where it is always worst. Below that octave, I don't think the
frequencies of the notes "shake" the wedges enough. Above that, most pianos
are into the double block configuration for the dampers.

Ken Sloane    Oberlin Conservatory

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