university job
Thu, 02 Nov 1995 21:54:52 -0500

Love my university tuning position except for the two weeks I'm tuning at the
Seriously, I just work at Boise State University for about a month per year
(53 pianos twice a year).  Its like this:
day 1-3:  Ahhhh, I can get up late, tune my fingers off and go home when I
day 4-6:  Can't get into that studio, can't get into this studio, blast it!
 Have to sit and wait for that classroom.
day 7-10 Crap! I'll never get all these pianos done!!! I want to go back to
the houses!!!
day 14  Thank GOD I"M DONE!!!  (except for this piano and that piano, oh and
the piano in that classroom.)
My personal fear about working the university racket is that when the school
needs to cut funding they do it first in the music dept. and of course in the
maintenance of their instruments, not much job security there.  Students can
do more damage to a piano in six months than most of my clients can do in
twenty years.  Oh, and one more thing:  I miss dragging myself to Mrs. Jones'
house, rearranging her furniture and annoying her cat for an hour. (I never
thought I'd admit that!)
Eric Leatha

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