Israel Stein
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 01:10:12 -0500

On November 14, 1995, FREDIEBOY (aka Fred Weinstein) wrote:

> 1. Who is the god that has giving me such a wonderful gift as
>     Pianotech?

A committee of the Piano Technicians Guild...

> 2. What are the guidelines that I am expected to work within?

Common sense and a modicum of civility.

> 3. Does PTG have any special authority...such as an overseer?

No. But individual members of the PTG have the right to counter criticism of
their organization. Sarcastically, if the criticism is foolish enough...

> 4. Are we limited to asking  and answering only questions of a
>    technical nature?

We aren't limited to anything. But if you post something that lots of people
don't like, don't be surprized if you get a few nasty replies...

>                                    fredieboy (fred weinstein) NJ

If you have any more questions of this nature, Freddie, you might try
thinking before you type...

Israel Stein

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